News of Plataforma per la Llengua

Displaying from 1 to 10 of 116 entries available RSS

We deplore Spain’s discrimination against Catalan speakers, as part of the UN's periodic human rights review process

Plataforma per la Llengua has presented a report listing the violations of linguistic rights in Spain and noting the country's failure to comply with other States' recommendations

The organisation makes seven recommendations for other States to pass on to Spain, including adding Catalan speakers as a protected group in the signing of the Council of Europe's Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, punishing language discrimination, and allowing children to be taught entirely in Catalan in schools

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council under which States assess each other to analyse their level of respect for human rights More info about "We deplore Spain’s discrimination against Catalan speakers, as part of the UN's periodic human rights review process"

The Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts confirms Spain’s breach of the ECRML and rebukes the Spanish government for imposing 25% teaching in Spanish

Plataforma per la Llengua celebrates the content of the committee's report, based on which the Council of Europe's Council of Ministers will issue its final recommendations to Spain

The experts' report lists reverses for Catalan throughout the areas in Spain where it is spoken in key areas such as education, justice, administration and the media

In January, Plataforma per la Llengua met the group of experts and provided them with an analysis of all the breaches of the European Charter of Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML) committed by Spain in recent years More info about "The Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts confirms Spain’s breach of the ECRML and rebukes the Spanish government for imposing 25% teaching in Spanish"

The European network FUEN accepts Plataforma per la Llengua as a full member and approves two resolutions in favour of the Catalan language

The assembly of delegates of the European network FUEN agrees to ask member States to vote in favour of Catalan being given official status in the European Union and to demand that the Spanish and European institutions ensure that language immersion is maintained in Catalan schools

Maria de Lluc Muñoz, head of the Plataforma per la Llengua's International section, attends the 68th Congress of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN), one of the main organisations protecting national and language minorities

The Congress celebrates FUEN's 75th anniversary and gives delegates the chance get to know the Frisian minority in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein More info about "The European network FUEN accepts Plataforma per la Llengua as a full member and approves two resolutions in favour of the Catalan language"

Plataforma per la Llengua sends a letter to Pedro Sánchez regretting that a year has passed since his commitment to make Catalan official in Europe

The president of the organisation, Òscar Escuder, highlights the recent negotiations the Spanish president has been able to unblock and calls for the same effort for official status for Catalan

Escuder calls on Sánchez to achieve official status if he wants to show that he upholds the linguistic plurality of Spain in a real way that goes beyond mere rhetoric More info about "Plataforma per la Llengua sends a letter to Pedro Sánchez regretting that a year has passed since his commitment to make Catalan official in Europe"

Plataforma per la Llengua calls on the Spanish government to use the EU negotiations to get the Member States to recognise Catalan as an official language

The organisation emphasises that the distribution of senior positions is a bargaining space that can be used for making Catalan official

The Spanish government holds the key to unblocking the situation and has failed to keep its promise, notes Plataforma per la Llengua

The organisation calls for the official status of Catalan to be put to a vote, regardless of the opinion of the EU Council's legal services More info about "Plataforma per la Llengua calls on the Spanish government to use the EU negotiations to get the Member States to recognise Catalan as an official language"

We condemn the political use of the Spanish justice system against schools in Catalan at a conference of the European network ELEN

Marc Guevara, head of Education and Universities of Plataforma per la Lengua, describes the court decisions against the Catalan language school in Catalonia as a "strategy orchestrated by the Spanish State to wear down Catalan schools and to question the vehicularity of our language"

The international conference "Protecting Education in Minoritised Languages, Strengthening Language Rights: How to Progress?" took place at the headquarters of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans and was attended by representatives of the Council of Europe and the UN More info about "We condemn the political use of the Spanish justice system against schools in Catalan at a conference of the European network ELEN"

Plataforma per la Llengua obtains consultative status with a UN body

Starting this June, Plataforma per la Llengua has achieved special consultative status with the UN's Economic and Social Council, one of its six main bodies

With this recognition, the organisation will be able to access UN facilities, give advice, and participate in the events of the body that coordinates the IMF, WHO, UNESCO and the ILO

Plataforma per la Llengua believes that this status will give greater political weight to the protection of the rights of Catalan-speakers and allow it to establish more international alliances More info about "Plataforma per la Llengua obtains consultative status with a UN body"

We condemn the persecution of Catalan in schools at a meeting of the education group of the European FUEN network in Finland

Marc Guevara, operational head of the Education and Universities section for Plataforma per la Llengua, shares details of the judicial and political persecution of Catalan in schools in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and the Valencian region with representatives of language minorities from all over Europe

This sixth annual meeting was useful for finding out about the education system for the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland and for sharing challenges and good practices in primary schools for speakers of minority languages  More info about "We condemn the persecution of Catalan in schools at a meeting of the education group of the European FUEN network in Finland"

"El català és negoci" adds English language to help foreign companies adapt to language regulations

This campaign aims at helping and guiding companies so that they comply with current regulations and become linguistically responsible

In 2023, Plataforma per la Llengua managed to get more than forty companies to include Catalan language in their activity More info about ""El català és negoci" adds English language to help foreign companies adapt to language regulations"

The committee chaired by Dolors Montserrat in the European Parliament promotes the views of Spanish nationalists against immersion following the visit of MEPs

The draft report prepared by the Committee on Petitions, following the visit of MEPs to Barcelona to evaluate the language immersion programme, spreads misleading arguments against Catalan language schools.

Plataforma per la Llengua is concerned that the Committee on Petitions, despite being outside its remit, is using public resources to make recommendations for the expansion of the use of Spanish and is embracing the lies of Spanish nationalism.

The entity regards as very serious the declarations made by Jesús María Barrientos, who stated that the families who have taken immersion to court suffer "harassment" and are victims of "xenophobia" 

The Committee on Petitions wants to send the report to the Constitutional Court to encourage it to take a position against the law proposed by the Generalitat that sought to circumvent the 25% compulsory use of Spanish in the classroom More info about "The committee chaired by Dolors Montserrat in the European Parliament promotes the views of Spanish nationalists against immersion following the visit of MEPs"